Long ago, when I was a kid, I dreamt of building a bag that could fly me to the school. But then came the Olympics. LA, 1984. A man flew inside the stadium. Oops, it was already invented. A few months later, I conceived a “magnetic levitating system” to speed up cars. My dad said ‘Boy, the Japanese made a levitating train’. Oops, again.


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Los Angeles, 1984. Olympics ceremony –and the unforgettable flying man.

Years after, one summer, I dreamt of catching a wild bird, alive. I designed a cage with its door connected to a spring, and a path of breadcrumbs leading to a trap. One sunny morning, an innocent bird walked inside, locking the door behind. During several seconds, I held a wild bird in my hands. That cage is my 1st “sort-of” design.

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Uni Dufour, University of Geneva, Switzerland. The building where MiraLab, my 1st work place, was located.

Time passed by. Two forces grew inside. On one hand, an Explorer, hungry to understand the world. On the other, a Storyteller, overwhelmed by the stories the world held inside. So I became a Physicist that gave concerts once per month. And when I graduated, I got a job in a Swiss research Lab packed with scientists, but also designers, building Virtual Worlds.

Geneva, 2001. ‘Hey, would you like to be the webmaster of the Lab?’. I said ‘Yes!’, the Internet exploded, and I fell in love for the digital worlds. Coding with PHP, learning mySQL, playing with Flash, making videos, composing audios, writing scripts… Finally, the Explorer and the Storyteller shacking hands. Three years later, when I came back to Spain, I wasn’t a scientist anymore. I was a digital creative that had studied science.

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The Timeless Box, the last product I have designed, conceived to send gifts to the future.

So here I am. A Physicist that Designs. Or a Designer that knows physics. I’ve been paying my bills working as a creative &/or innovation director in some smily agencies –DoubleYou, TBWA\Paris, Grey, Great Works… Even co-founding mine –Honest&Smile. The kid keeps writing songs. And I’ve kept inventing things. Though none as cool and sexy as the flying bag. Or the levitating cars. Oops! There’s still room for improvement, I guess.

Thanks for reading this long story.
Now you certainly might want to jump to the works, right?

Ignasi Giró. September, 2016